Spike on Onion Blossoms
from Empty Places (Season 7)
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ANDREW: You sure you don't wanna stop and pick up some burgers or something, you know, road trip food?

SPIKE: It's not a road trip. It's a covert operation.

ANDREW: Right. Right. Gotcha. (beat) I?I bet even covert operatives eat curly fries. They're really good.

SPIKE: Not as good as those onion blossom things.

ANDREW: Ooh, I love those.

SPIKE: Yeah, me, too.

ANDREW: It's an onion... and it's a flower. I?I don't understand how such a thing is possible.

SPIKE: See, the genius of it is you soak it in ice water for an hour so it holds its shape. Then you deep-fry it root-side up for about 5 minutes.

ANDREW: Masterful.

SPIKE: Yeah. (beat) Tell anyone we had this conversation, I'll bite you.

ANDREW: Right.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 50

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