Have a nice summer from Out of Mind, Out of Sight (Invisible Girl) (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
WILLOW: Oh, my God! (reads) 'Have a nice summer. Have a nice summer.' This girl had no friends at all.
GILES: Uh, once again I teeter at the precipice of the generation gap.
BUFFY: 'Have a nice summer' is what you write when you have nothing to say.
XANDER: It's the kiss of death.
BUFFY: You guys didn't know Marcie Ross?
XANDER: Never met her. Why?
BUFFY: 'Cause you both wrote it, too.
XANDER: 'Have a nice...' Yeesh!
WILLOW: Where am I? Oh. 'Have a *great* summer.' See, I cared!
BUFFY: You guys don't remember her?
XANDER: No, I probably didn't see her except to sign the book. I mean, this is a big school.
WILLOW: Xander, we each had four classes with her last year.
BUFFY: So, no one noticed her, and now she's invisible.
XANDER: What, she turned invisible because no one noticed her?
GILES: Of course! I've been investigating the mystical causes of invisibility when I, I should have looked at the quantum mechanical! Physics.
BUFFY: I think I speak for everyone here when I say, huh?
GILES: It's a rudimentary concept that, that reality is shaped, even, even... created by our perception.
BUFFY: And with the Hellmouth below us sending out mystical energy...
GILES: People perceived Marcie as, as, as invisible, and, and, and, and she became so.
BUFFY: This isn't this great power that she can control. It's something that was done to her. That *we* did to her.
WILLOW: No wonder she's miffed.
XANDER: What does she want?
BUFFY: Just what we thought. Cordelia.
written by: Ashley Gable & Thomas A. Swyden; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: