Angel: (mocking Kate) I'm a cop, with a mission to rain on everybody's parade
from The Shroud of Rahmon (Season 2)
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(Wesley comes stumbling along the wall of the corridor.)

WESLEY: Angel? Thank God I found you ... in time (Angel turns to look at him, eyes still yellow). Is it in time?

ANGEL: Wesley?

WESLEY: Yes! I had a message for you. And the message was ... (hits his hand with his fist) the shroud! The shroud, very dangerous. It makes people -- bad! Although it's amazing how good I feel!

(Angel grabs him by the front of his shirt and pushes him down the corridor.)

ANGEL: Wesley, get out!

WESLEY: Is that Gunn? What's he doing here? I never thought of him as the museum type.

KATE: (whips around the corner aiming her gun at them) Police! Nobody move!

(Angel squints at her with his yellow eyes.)

ANGEL: Wow! Look at you -- rushing in here all by yourself! You're the best cop ever.

SPINY: Too many humans.

ANGEL: Excuse me that is *my* girl.

KATE: (aiming her gun at Angel) Stay back.

ANGEL: Whoo! Okay. (Laughs) You got me. My life of crime is over. (Hands in the air, he slowly steps closer to Kate) I'm going down. But first -- a little impression. (Laughs) I'm a cop, with a mission to protect the innocent and rain on everybody's parade, and obsessed about my father's death, and bother people who are about to steal things!

WESLEY: Angel ...

(Angel spins around, knocking Wesley into the wall, then turns back to Kate.)

ANGEL: Oh Katie, what are you so afraid of? Is it this? (Morphs into vamp face) Is it the part where I kill you? Cuz I gotta tell you I love that in a woman!

(Kate shoots at him, but he rushes her, grabs her, points her gun up at the ceiling and sinks his fangs into her neck.)

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written by: Jim Kouf; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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