Angel: I'll come back. Cordelia, I promise. For you. But first, I gotta do this. from Awakening (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(note: the following scene happens entirely in Angel's head)
FRED: Oh my God!
GUNN: I thought you guys might be dead.
ANGEL: Don't stop thinking it yet.
LORNE: (looking at the sword Angel's carrying) Is that it?
CORDELIA: The sword of the Bosh M'ad.
WESLEY: The slayer of Beast.
GUNN: Oh, can I play with it? (takes the sword from Angel, starts swinging it)
FRED: Where's Connor?
WESLEY: Patrolling. We have the sword. Now all we need—
GUNN: (breaks a table in half with the sword, looks up at the others) My bad.
WESLEY: All we need to do is locate the Beast.
LORNE: Well, most of my connections have am-scrayed to dimensions a little lighter on the stomping-your-entrails-out. All I could Kolchak was a rumor of bad mojo rising down in the warehouse district.
ANGEL: Then that's where we'll start.
FRED: Wait. We found some relevant passages in the Paranych Grimoire which we were able to cross-reference with Wo-Pang's, um... butt.
GUNN: Either he's got one hell of a funky mole, or we figure there's only one way to kill the Beast.
FRED: Piercing it's brain with the Bosh M'ad.
ANGEL: Sounds like a plan to me.
CORDELIA: What about the sun?
GUNN: One good poke in the coconut should take care of that too.
FRED: When the Beast is dead, the energies used to block the sun should be released.
WESLEY: There's a catch, isn't there?
FRED: One small intsy.
CORDELIA: Always with the fine print.
GUNN: It took a whole lot of power to pull off permanent midnight.
ANGEL: Which will all be released when I kill the Beast.
FRED: As far as we can figure from the test, nothing human will survive at that close a range. I'm not even sure that you can.
ANGEL: I'll let you know.
CORDELIA: You're not going to fight this thing by yourself.
ANGEL: There's no choice.
CORDELIA: There's always a choice.
ANGEL: Not for me. I have to do this. You made a difference. Each of you—not just to me, but to the world. We've been pushed to the edge so many times, done things we're sure can never be forgiven, but we're always there for each other when it counts. We've never let the darkness win. And it's not because of the Powers That Be, or the super-strength, or the magical weapons. It's because we believed in each other. Not just as friends or lovers, but as champions. All of us. Together.
(walks away)
CORDELIA: (goes after Angel) Angel, wait. You just said it. We're stronger together. You can't do this alone.
ANGEL: I'm not.
CORDELIA: Drop the Hallmark crap. That might placate the shiny-happys over there, but I'm working with a little more investment. I can't lose you. Not now. Not when we're just starting... whatever it is... or could be.
ANGEL: We'll figure it out when I get back.
CORDELIA: What if you don't?
ANGEL: Not gonna happen.
CORDELIA: (cries) You don't know that.
ANGEL: Hey, I've never been more sure of anything. I'll come back. Cordelia, I promise. For you. But first, I gotta do this. I gotta find the Beast—
(the Beast bursts through the front door, shattering glass, and walks into the lobby)
ANGEL: Oh, there it is.
written by: David Fury and Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: