Holden: was you last boyfriend a vampire? from Conversations With Dead People (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: (ready to stake Holden) See? You're dead. That enough of a moment for ya?
HOLDEN: OK. But are you killing me because I'm evil or because you opened up?
BUFFY: Uhh! What is wrong with you?
HOLDEN: Nothing. I got no worries. I'm dead. The biggest thing on my mind is whether or not Tricia Waldman came to my funeral or not. Do you remember her? Ohh?biteable.
BUFFY: See, this is what I hate about you vampires. Sex and death and love and pain?it's all the same damn thing to you.
HOLDEN: Well, you know it's?it's kind of a guy thing. We talk about nailing a girl, there's all this?
BUFFY: No, it is not the same. With vampires, it is completely? Believe me, I know.
HOLDEN: Oh, my God!
BUFFY: Oh, your God what?
HOLDEN: Oh, well, you know, not *my* God, because I defy him and all of his works, but?Does he exist? Is there word on that, by the way?
BUFFY: Nothing solid.
HOLDEN: Oh. I keep getting off topic because my mind is racing here. All right. I'll make a deal with you. We fight. To the death. Great. That last fight was just exhilarating. And I actually had a move coming up to block that stake. But you have to answer one question, and if I'm right, I get to ask anything?no secrets, no defensiveness, anything I want to know.
BUFFY: What's your question?
HOLDEN: Your last relationship?was it with a vampire?
written by: Jane Espenson & Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me.. Full transcript at: