Angel to James: The woman I love is dead.
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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(With a big crash James arrives)

ANGEL: Cordy, up here!

(Angel and Cordy escape into the subway station, board a train. The doors close in front of James nose. As the train pulls out of the station Cordy, clinging to Angel's back sticks out her tongue at James.)

CORDELIA: What a creep.

(James jumps on the back of the train)

CORDELIA: Should we get off at the next station and double back? He won't expect that. Or should we stay put till the end of the line and put as much distance between us...


CORDELIA: He couldn’t possibly...

(Angel pushes Cordy behind him just as James come bursting in through a window at the end of the compartment.)

ANGEL: Get back!

JAMES: Well, this is a new twist in an old snake. Is it possible you care about someone who isn't you?

ANGEL: Don't worry about her.

JAMES: But if you've changed. If you aren't the same man who screwed Darla and couldn't care less what happened to her...

ANGEL: Where did you hear... Oh. You mean back in the day. Right.

CORDELIA: He has changed. A lot. He has a soul now and he cares about people.

JAMES: So you might feel something when I snap her neck.

CORDELIA: Well, it's not like he's losing sleep with the caring.

JAMES: Lucky me. Now I can kill the woman you love.

ANGEL: No, you can't.

JAMES: Are you forgetting who's the invincible one here?

ANGEL: The woman I love is dead.

JAMES: Who are you talking about?

CORDELIA: It happened about three months ago. We try not to say her name too much.

JAMES: *You* loved someone. With all your heart?

ANGEL: Yeah.

JAMES: No you didn't. Because if you had you wouldn't be standing here playing games with me. You wouldn't be able to because once she died or some bastard killed her, it would have killed everything in you.

ANGEL: I wouldn't be able to go on living.

JAMES: Don't worry, you won't. And she won't either.



ANGEL: (to Cordelia) Catch him!

CORDELIA: Catch who?

(Angel pulls the crutches from a passanger's arms and uses them as weapons)

ANGEL: Come on!

(they fight, Angel pins James to the wall with a crutch)

ANGEL: How's that, invincible boy, huh? Is that your idea of love, James, hmm? It's not real unless it kills, you?

JAMES: Yeah. What's yours? It's fun as long as it doesn't cost me anything? You don't know what love is! You think you won just because you're still alive? I lived. You just existed.

(James dusts on his own as the spell expires)

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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 32

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