Angel admits being jealous of Xander from Some Assembly Required (Season 2) |
BUFFY: God, the whole thing was so creepy. Well, at the same time, I mean... he did do it all for his brother.
ANGEL: Sounds like he took it a little over the edge.
BUFFY: Love makes you do the wacky.
ANGEL: What?
BUFFY: Crazy stuff.
ANGEL: Oh. Crazy, like a two-hundred-and-forty-one-year-old being jealous of a high school junior?
BUFFY: Are you fessing up?
ANGEL: I've thought about it. Maybe it bothers me a little.
BUFFY: I don't love Xander.
ANGEL: Yeah, but he's in your life. He gets to be there when I can't. Take your classes, eat your meals, hear your jokes and complaints. He gets to see you in the sunlight.
BUFFY: I don't look that good in direct light.
ANGEL: It'll be morning soon.
BUFFY: I should probably go. I could walk you home.
written by: Ty King; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: