Buffy: If Angel came back, what would he be like?
from Beauty & the Beasts (Season 3)
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(Morning. Library. Giles enters to find Buffy sleeping there. She wakes up.)


GILES: Hmm. Hello.

(Buffy tries to play off the pile of books she was sleeping on.)

BUFFY: Oh. Boy. Faith and her nutty books.

GILES: 'Exploring Demon Dimensions' and 'Mystery of Acathla'.

BUFFY: Yeah! And she still listens to heavy metal. Freaky deaky.

GILES: Buffy...

BUFFY: What if... I told you that... I had a dream about Angel... and, um... it brought up some questions?

GILES: I'd say it was to be expected. Must have been some dream. I didn't think you knew what a card index was for.

BUFFY: I dreamt that he came back.

GILES: Of course. After Jenny was killed, I had dreams that she was s-still alive, that I saved her.

BUFFY: This was vivid. Really vivid. Three-dimensional, sensurround, the hills are alive...

GILES: Do you believe it was a prophecy?

BUFFY: No. I-I don't know. I... I guess it just... it made me wonder. Is there a chance even? Could it happen?

GILES: Well, there's no record of anyone returning from a demon dimension once the... gate was closed. I-I-I can't imagine how it could happen or-or why.

BUFFY: Let's just pretend for a second that... Angel somehow found his way back to Sunnydale. What would he be like?

GILES: I really can't say. From what is known about that dimension, i- it would suggest a world of... brutal torment. And time moves quite differently there, so...

BUFFY: I remember. So he would've been down there for hundreds of years.


BUFFY: Of torture.

GILES: It would take someone of extraordinary... will and character to survive that and, uh, retain any semblance of self. Most likely, he'd be, be a monster.

BUFFY: A lost cause.

GILES: Maybe. Maybe not. In my experience, there are... two types of monster. The first, uh, can be redeemed, or more importantly, wants to be redeemed.

BUFFY: And the second type?

GILES: The second is void of humanity, cannot respond to reason... or love.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson . Full transcript at:
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