Buffy interrogates Mike from Help (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Where's your hall pass?
MIKE: No hall pass. I got a free period.
BUFFY: You seem kind of upset. Something on your mind?
MIKE: No, not really. Well, I got a lousy "B" in Egyptian history. Knew this stuff cold, so that, you know, that pisses me off.
BUFFY: You get... pissed off a lot?
MIKE: No, I?
BUFFY: Let me cut to the chase. I hear you can't get a date for the winter formal.
MIKE: Oh, whoa, look, I know it's your job to talk to kids with problems, but honestly I don't have any. I'm fine. All right, look, it's really no big deal. I have a friend that I really wanted to take?I don't know, I guess she doesn't see me that way. She makes me crazy.
BUFFY: Crazy?
MIKE: Yeah, sometimes I jus? That's funny. You're Dawn's sister, right?
BUFFY: Uh, that's right. Dawn is my sister.
MIKE: Oh, that's so weird. I was just thinking about her. Yeah, I was thinking if, you know, Cassie won't budge, maybe I'll ask Dawn.
BUFFY: You aren't mad at Cassie, with her rejecting you like that?
MIKE: Nah, she's a girl right? Making boys crazy is like your job description.
BUFFY: (suddenly offended) You're asking my sister to the dance, and she's your second choice? I'll be keeping an eye on you.
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at: