Fred to Gunn: You died and left me all alone!
from Ground State (Season 4)
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GUNN: Kinda looks like art, doesn't it? I call it takes more than that to kill me, punk. Punk is what makes it art.

FRED: (uptight) Did you take your pill?

GUNN: 'S hard to believe these little pointy jobbies are the difference between life and death.

FRED: Did you?

GUNN: You handed it to me.

FRED: So, what was it like?

GUNN: What's what like?

FRED: Being dead. Gone. See anything interesting? White light? Shirley MacLaine?

GUNN: Nothing. I don't—I don't remember.

FRED: All it was was luck. If that woman hadn't come back again...

GUNN: Fred, we've been through this. You would've done CPR. I know you—

FRED: What if I hadn't been there?

GUNN: Then Angel would've picked me up and Flash Gordon'ed me to the ER.

FRED: Sure, but, then again, it could've been too late, and Angel would have had to swear blood-lusty vengeance on the woman that killed you, and we all know how well that one works out.

GUNN: Fred, what the hell?

FRED: I am so sick of holding everything up around here. First Wesley leaves, then Angel, and Cordy. I-I'm sick of taking care of everything and paying bills and making peace and plans and keeping my chin up— God, I am so sick of my chin being up!

GUNN: You know what, just electrocute me know, 'cause I don't know what kind of alien female thing—

FRED: I thought it would get better when Angel came back. I-I thought I would finally be able to breathe again.

GUNN: Fred, no one forced this responsibility on you—

FRED: Well, who else was gonna do it? Who else was gonna hold everything up after you left me all alone? (breaks down, crying) You died and left me all alone!

GUNN: (goes to hold her) Shh... It's OK, baby.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by: CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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