Gunn RE: Wes: this man took a bullet for me!
from Epiphany (Season 2)
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(Someone enters the darkened office, and Angel almost goes to work with his

ax, but then:)

WESLEY: Gunn! - What are you doing here?

GUNN: I was passing by. Saw the lights was on. Besides, I work here.

WESLEY: But - I thought you'd gone.

GUNN: Gone? Well, yeah, gone, but that don't mean I wasn't coming back! (Looks at Angel) What, you didn't think I was gonna abandon you like this guy, did you?

WESLEY: (Smiling, as Angel looks down) No. Certainly not.

(Gunn and Wesley exchange an elaborate handshake ritual.)

GUNN: Come on, English! You know you my man!

ANGEL: So, ah, I see you guys have bonded.

GUNN: Happens when you fight shoulder to shoulder.

WESLEY: Or rather hip to shoulder these days.

GUNN: This man took a bullet for me!

WESLEY: Ah, it was nothing!

(They do the handshake ritual again.)

GUNN: So, what's he doing here?

ANGEL: Went and saw the host of Caritas. He said my friends were in danger.

GUNN: (to Wesley) So, what's he doing here?

WESLEY: He had an epiphany.

GUNN: Aaah. Well, I saw you turning off the lights and hiding. What's up with that?

WESLEY: There was a demon attack, at my home.

ANGEL: I saved him.

WESLEY: We thought perhaps we'd been followed.

GUNN: Demon attack?

WESLEY: Skilosh, I'm afraid.

GUNN: As in the back-of-the-head type demon? I thought we got rid of that.

WESLEY: We did. Which is why I believe we are being targeted for retribution by the tribe.

GUNN: Where's Cordy?

WESLEY: We don't know. Not here.

GUNN: You checked her pad?

ANGEL: I stopped by there earlier.

GUNN: You enjoying your visit to nineteen seventy three? (Picks up a memo pad) I meant her message pad.

ANGEL: Oh, right. That's a good idea. (Angel picks up a pencil) Oh, here, use this. You can make a rubbing of the impressions she left. See what the last thing was that she wrote.

GUNN: Or we could just read the carbon.

ANGEL: Or you can do that.

GUNN: Directions.

WESLEY: Let me see. (Gunn pushes Angel out of the way, hands pad to Wesley.) Yes, I know that address. It's the Sharps. (To Angel) The family, whose daughter we treated.

GUNN: Looks like she wrote that down tonight. (To Wesley) You think she went there?

WESLEY: Why else would she take the original?

GUNN: What do you think they'd do?

WESLEY: While I hate to imagine, we better be prepared. (Rips the carbon off the pad) The de-oculation powder is in my desk. Get it.

GUNN: Alright.

ANGEL: Guys - guys, d-does it make sense that sh-she would go there in the middle of the night without calling either one of you?

GUNN and WESLEY: They owe us money.

ANGEL: Let's go.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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