chatting with the Zookeeper
from The Pack (Season 1)
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Zookeeper: The students have been possessed by the hyenas?


Zookeeper: Are you sure?

BUFFY: We're really, really sure.

GILES: Y-you don't seem enormously surprised by this.

Zookeeper: The zoo imported those hyenas from Africa. There was something strange about them from day one. I did some homework... That particular breed is very rare. Totally vicious. Historically they were worshipped by these guys...

GILES: Primals.

Zookeeper: Yeah! Creepy guys! Now, they had rituals for taking the hyena spirits, but I-I don't see how that coulda happened to your kids.

GILES: Uh, we don't know exactly how the ritual works. We know that it involves a, um, um... predatory act and some kind of symbol.

Zookeeper: Predatory act? Of course. That makes sense. Where did you read that?

GILES: Do you have Sherman Jeffries' work on, on cults and on...

BUFFY: (impatiently) Boys?

GILES: Sorry.

Zookeeper: Look.

GILES: Sorry.

Zookeeper: Look. I think we may have enough information so that together we could pull off a reverse trans-possession.

BUFFY: What do we do?

Zookeeper: We've gotta get those possessed students over to the hyena cage right away. I'll meet you there. We can begin the rituals.

BUFFY: W-well, we can guarantee one of them, but there are four more, and we have no idea where they are.

Zookeeper: No, I wouldn't worry about that. After hyenas feed and rest they will track the missing member of their pack until they find him. They should come right to you.

BUFFY: (worried) Willow!

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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