Gunn: I'm thinking these guys got a cause worth fighting for. Isn't that what we do? from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(The rebels win, the guards flee. The rebel leader is dead. Sasha walks over to where Wes and Gunn, stocks still around their necks, hands bound behind their backs are standing together.)
SASHA: They did not come for us. They came for you. Why?
WESLEY: Because they know we will try to rescue the princess.
SASHA: Rescue her from what?
WESLEY: From mating with the groosalug.
BARTOK: Which will fulfill their prophecies and consolidate their power.
GUNN: We don't want that to happen any more than you do.
SASHA: You're right. We are on the same side. Release them. (Loudly) Though their hands were tied and their necks were bared they fought with us. I'm ashamed. We nearly cut your heads off.
WESLEY: You were just (sighs) doing your job.
SASHA: You're free to go.
(Wes and Gunn walk past him towards the woods.)
SASHA: Five cheers for the otherworlders!
REBELS: Brave warriors! Brave warriors!...
WESLEY: Oh, in this world you get five!
GUNN: So, our first job is to find Angel.
GUNN: Last time we saw him he had a funny look on his face. A 'rip out your guts now, ask questions later' kind of look.
WESLEY: What do you suggest?
GUNN: I'm thinking these guys got a cause worth fighting for. Isn't that what we do?
WESLEY: What about Cordelia?
GUNN: If we're gonna be getting her out of that castle we're gonna need a lot of muscle.
WESLEY: Muscle which could come in handy if we have to incapacitate Angel.
GUNN: Yeah. Also look at them. They won a skirmish today, but they're no match for the covenant. I don't wanna leave them to get themselves killed. I do that enough.
written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: