Jonathan: Do you think they'll really let us join their gang?
from Conversations With Dead People (Season 7)
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(Sneaking into the highschool. Andrew falls)

JONATHAN: Get up, you wuss.

ANDREW: I have shin splints. Ow.


JONATHAN: Maybe we should turn on a light.

ANDREW: No, they'll see it from outside.

JONATHAN: Right. Maybe we should go get Buffy.

ANDREW: No way.

JONATHAN: We should just tell her what we know about this evil Danthazar.

ANDREW: Think, McFly. Why would she believe us without any proof? We go to her empty-handed, and we'll be coolin' our heels in the clink in a Bell's microsecond.

JONATHAN: I ain't goin' back to the big house. That place changes a man.

ANDREW: That's why we need proof. Think of it as?as trial by fire. A quest.

JONATHAN: Una questa.

ANDREW: We find it. We alert the slayer. We help her destroy it. We save Sunnydale. Then we join her gang and possibly hang out at her house.

JONATHAN: Right. OK. What do we do?

ANDREW: I think we should find the Principal's office and work our way down from there.

JONATHAN: OK, uh, um, uh, you go check down the hallway, and I'll go over there.

ANDREW: Check communications?

JONATHAN: (to radio) Check. Check.

ANDREW: (to radio) Check. Check.


ANDREW: Check. Check.

JONATHAN: Check. Check.

ANDREW: Check. Check. Check.

JONATHAN: Check. Echo 2 to Echo 1.

ANDREW: This is Echo 1. Go ahead.

JONATHAN: Do you think they'll really let us join their gang?

(Andrew shrugs. Jonathan walks away. From behind Andrew, Warren appears)

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written by: Jane Espenson & Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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