Cordelia: Angel was probably supposed to help him not...
from Judgement (Season 2)
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WESLEY: He was good?

ANGEL: Yeah.

CORDELIA: And you...(makes a cracking sound).

ANGEL: Yeah.

CORDELIA: Ooh...Well, that's bad. Which of course you already... Right.

ANGEL: That he was a demon. I just assumed...

WESLEY: Well, why wouldn't you? Cordelia said he was a nasty demon.

CORDELIA: Well, he *looked* nasty! I didn't say he was a killer, you did!

WESLEY: That's what Prio Motus are! They hunt. They kill. What, we're supposed to think a creature like that can suddenly change its modus operandi overnight? Turn into some noble protector and...(looks at Angel) defender of... Oh, God.

CORDELIA: I didn't feel any fear when I saw him. Angel was probably supposed to help him not... Thanks for the obscure visions! We're doing great with that.

ANGEL: I killed an innocent being. He was a soldier like me. Whatever his mission is it's mine now.

CORDELIA: Well, that's a start! You said he was protecting a pregnant Woman.

ANGEL: From something called the Tribunal. I want you two to find out what that is.

WESLEY: We will. Angel! You didn't know.

ANGEL: I'm thinking somebody did.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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