Angel to Gunn: Take a look. This is what I am. Deal with it or don't. But make a damn choice.
from That Old Gang of Mine (Season 3)
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GIO: (singing) Did you ever know that you're my - hero? (Laughs) You're everything I wish I could be. I could fly higher than...

WESLEY: (to Gunn) We have to do something. Angel walks in here they'll kill him.

GUNN: No. They won't. They're gonna make *me* do it.

GIO: are the wind beneath my wings. Hey, Chuck! Did I ever tell you you're... (Feedback starts to wine from the speakers) Hey! Ah! - You know I'm starting to think this good vamp ain't never gonna show.

LORNE: Miami.

GIO: Did you say something to me, green boy?

LORNE: Was three thousand miles really far enough, I wonder? I *know* why you left. Why you ran. You couldn't stay there, could you? After what you did. She trusted you.

GIO: Shut up.

LORNE: Right up until the end she trusted you. Did you know that?

(Gio hauls back and hits Lorne hard across the face. Lorne turns back to look at Gio, his mouth bloodied, but smiling. Suddenly the ugly demon jumps up and runs for the door.)

GUY: Yo! That one's trying to run!

(A couple guys jump on ugly demon and beat it back into place.)

GRAY DEMON: Oh god, oh god. They'll kill us all.

GIO: Now, I *told* you to *watch* the door!

(Gunn spins and hits one of the guys, grabs his machine gun and aims it at Gio, while all of the gang take aim at him.)

GIO: See that? You see that?! (Points at ugly demon) He's trying to save that lowlife! You know what that kind of thing does? It's a baby killer is what that is. I've seen plenty of them in Florida. (to Demon) You like to eat babies, don't you?

UGLY DEMMON: Yeah, go ahead. I don't care. You think I care? Go ahead and do it. Cowards. Cowards.

GIO: So who does *he* go after? Who does he draw down on? The baby-killing monster? No, me, that's who. What does that tell you?

GUNN: Tells me there's a whole lot of monsters in this room to choose from.

GIO: Yeah, maybe you one of them. You one of them, Chuck? Have they turned you already, huh? You one of 'em?

GUNN: Come at me and find out.

GIO: Yeah, I think he's one of them. Or - maybe you just wanna be. Yeah. That's more like it. I bet they won't even let you in their little club. Huh, Chuck? Damn. You ain't even good enough for the vamps, the demons and the baby-eatin' monsters. Huh. Yeah, that's what I'm guessing. Wine 'em and dine 'em, stick up for them Oh, yeah. That one's okay and they still won't put you on! Ain't that a blip?

GUNN: Shut up.

GIO: And all that what we heard about his sister might not be quite right. He was the only one there to see it. You know what I'm sayin'?

UGLY DEMON: I'll taste your children...

GIO: You're the one that let her get vamped in the first place, right Chuck?

UGLY DEMON: Listen to them scream. Tear of a piece. Have me a meal...

GIO: Because I know I wouldn't let no bloodsucker get that close to *my* sister. And why?

UGLY DEMON: I live in the playgrounds...

GIO: Where you thinking that finally she was gonna give it up to you? Was that the plan? And that's why you let her get bit.

UGLY DEMON: Tear up their tiny, tiny bodies. Leave them for husks...

GIO: And then when she was there, all vamped out and hungry, you thought you might get that eternal kiss finally and when she said 'no' that's when you stuck it to her! That's what I'm thinkin'.

GUNN: Shut up!

LORNE: No. Not in here. No. No.

GIO: Is that why you start in here? Is that why you up in here, truckin' with vamps and demons, thinking you're gonna get your little piece of the action?!

GUNN: (screaming) I said shut (shoots the ugly demon going) up!!

LORNE: This is a sanctuary.

GIO: Not anymore it ain't.

ANGEL: (arriving) Nice shot. Am I next?

(Rondell puts down his gun, pulls out a stake and offers it to Gunn.)

RONDELL: Prove to everyone here - this *thing* - ain't no friend to you.

(Gunn takes the stake)

WESLEY: This is madness. Angel has a soul.

GIO: He's a vampire.

WESLEY: With a soul!

GIO: Whatever. You think that makes him the same as us?

WESLEY: No. Better. (To Gio) Better than you, anyway. When he did his pleasure killing he had no soul. You can make no such claim.

RONDELL: (to Gunn) What's it gonna be?

ANGEL: Here, Charles - let me make it simple for you. (vamps out) Take a look. This is what I am. Deal with it or don't. But make a damn choice.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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