Wesley RE: Fred: Get medical. Someone get medical NOW!
from A Hole in the World (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(Fred and Lorne walk and talk)

FRED: But that doesn't make any sense.

LORNE: I just call it like I see it.

FRED: But the cavemen have fire. That's what they live with in their caves. The astronauts should at least have some sort of weapon.

(she notices Wesley walking up the stairs toward them)

FRED: Hey there.

WESLEY: I was just on my way to thinking of an excuse to come and see you.

FRED: And how is that working out?

WESLEY: Really great. Where are you coming from?

FRED: Oh, medical. I breathed some old mummy dust. Had to make sure I didn't discover any new germs.

WESLEY: (concerned) You all right?

FRED: They shooed me right off. Mummy free.

WESLEY: Good. I was hoping to take you out tomorrow night, and I don't feature you wrapped in bandages.

FRED: Take me out where?

WESLEY: Can it be a secret?

LORNE: Oh, sheesh.

(he steps between them to walk down the stairs)

LORNE: Get a balcony, you two, huh?

FRED: (calls after Lorne) You'll still find me for lunch, though, right?

LORNE: I'll just look where the sun shines. (sings) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... (starts down the stairs)

FRED: (turns to Wes, smiling, singing) You make me happy—

(The instant Fred starts singing, Lorne stops in his tracks and turns back to Fred in horror. Suddenly she coughs blood onto Wesley's face before falling down the stairs, where Lorne manages to catch her)

WESLEY: Get medical. (yelling) Someone get medical NOW!

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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