Spike: OK, the upshot is you don't like Babe the Blue Ox in your house, and you want to get rid of her.
from Timebomb (Season 5)
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SPIKE: OK, the upshot is you don't like babe the blue ox in your house, and you want to get rid of her.

ANGEL: Yeah.

SPIKE: So... are we talking pasture... or slaughterhouse?

ANGEL: She didn't have a problem killing Fred, did she?

WESLEY: Illyria infected Fred, with no more malice than a viral phage.

ANGEL: Hey, look, Wes, I know you're bonding with her, but--

WESLEY: But she's unpredictable, dangerous, too powerful a being, too close to being an enemy. Yes, Angel. It's self-evident.

ANGEL: Which means we have to find some kind of weakness, some point of vulnerability--

WESLEY: You want me to find a way to kill her.

ANGEL: You got a problem with that?


ANGEL: Good. Because we got more than enough problems to worry about.

GUNN: Yeah, for example, what about the Apocalypse? Still trying to get my head around that one. Lindsey said we're in the middle of it?

WESLEY: Oh, yes. The thousand-year war of good versus evil is well under way.

ANGEL: Evil just hasn't told anyone about it yet, which is probably why they're winning.

SPIKE: Oh, and by the way, we're apparently on the wrong side. Or the right side, if you like winning.

GUNN: Sounds like you guys are buying it.

ANGEL: Next time you go out there, take a good look around. 'Cause it's true, Gunn.

GUNN: Works for me. So what's that mean for us?

ANGEL: Tell us how we fight an invisible war. I don't even know who we're fighting. All the evil we've stopped so far, and we're still the partners' number-one earner.

HAMILTON: (arriving) Not anymore. Let me ask you something, Angel. Have you ever heard the term surgical strike?

ANGEL: Ever heard the term appointment?

HAMILTON: Illyria destroyed 11 torture units before she found your man. 2 troop carriers, an ice cream truck, and 8 beautifully maintained lawns. Not to mention dozens of employees rendered useless to the company.

ANGEL: Bill me.

HAMILTON: Oh, we will. The damages are coming directly out of this division's profits. Congratulations. In one swift stroke, you've gone from leader of the pack to staggering at the rear.

ANGEL: And...

HAMILTON: Angel... you're a motivated go-getter at the top of the corporate ladder. Why don't you figure out what comes after and...?

ANGEL: We're workin' on that.

HAMILTON: Yes, I'm sure you are. In the meantime, the partners have a small task they'd like you to oversee. I'm sending Gunn the file. (to Gunn) It's good to see you again, by the way. (to Angel) It's a simple matter, but with some very big players.

ANGEL: If this is our chance to get into a better grace with the head office, I have to say it's not my priority.

HAMILTON: Oh, no, don't think about us, Angel. Think about profits. It's profits that let you keep this plucky little boatload of good above water. It's a business, boys, not a bat cave. (exits)

LORNE: Well, I'll tell you what--still like him better than Eve.

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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