Buffy: I have to know if Spike gave us up
from Intervention (Season 5)
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(Xander and Giles enter)

BUFFY: What did you guys do with Spike? And please let the story have a dusty ending.

XANDER: We dumped him back in his crypt.

GILES: Tried to find out if he'd told her anything, but he was too badly beaten to make much sense.

ANYA: Even if he told her, he'd just lie to us about it anyway, right?

BUFFY: You can count on it. But I have to know. Now. If he did give us up, Dawn & I need to get out of town. She could be on her way right now.

GILES: (to Dawn) But, not to worry. I'm sure we're perfectly safe.

DAWN: We're safe, right. And Spike built a robot Buffy to play checkers with.

TARA: It sounded convincing when I *thought* it...

WILLOW: (Re BuffyBot) Hey, I think I found something.

ANYA: Ugh! Looks very complicated. Personally, I'd rather look at guts.

WILLOW: I found where she's broken. Some of these wires got fried extra crispy. It's an easy fix! I mean, not that I would...

XANDER: God, I feel kinda bad for the guy. Gets all whupped and his best toy gets taken away.

BUFFY: Xander. *Please* don't be suggesting what I'd have to *kill* you for suggesting.

XANDER: No, no, travesty, completely on board! It's just... the guy was *so* thrashed...

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written by: Jane Espenson; Haven't found a transcript yet, so am just typing up my favorite exchanges as time allows.... Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 52

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