Gunn: Angel turns evil?
from Dear Boy (Season 2)
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WESLEY: (RE: weapons stash) This is all just precautionary. When push comes to shove, Angel's our - we trust him.

GUNN: (picks up the pistol) I see.

CORDELIA: It's not like he turns evil *every* time he gets this cranky.

GUNN: He turns *evil*?

WESLEY: Well, there are forces that can make Angel revert to Angelus, the vampire he was before he got a soul.

GUNN: And as evil, blood-suck vampires go, how would you rate Angelus?

WESLEY: Historically as bad as they come. Especially when he was with his sire, Darla.

CORDELIA: We're researching her now to see if she has some kind of resurrection powers. Maybe she's a vampire cat with nine lives or something.

GUNN: So he and Darla together, bad combo.

WESLEY: They rampaged through half the known world. Until Angel got his soul.

CORDELIA: Imagine Bonnie and Clyde if they had a hundred and fifty years to get it right.

GUNN: So he thinks his party girl is back. If he gets up to his old tricks, how bad can it get?


CORDELIA: (to Gunn) You alright?

GUNN: Yeah. I'm just adjusting to the idea that this good guy vampire I work for can go bad.

WESLEY: It takes a little time. We've all been through it.

CORDELIA: 99% of the time he's good. And he's done a lot for us.

GUNN: There's nothing I respect more than loyalty.

WESLEY: That's good to hear.

GUNN: But if the bad Angel walks through that door, I will kill him in two seconds flat.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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