Dawn: doomed nail polish experiments
from Fool for Love (Season 5)
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JOYCE: (re: alcohol smell) Are you disinfecting something?

BUFFY: Huh? Oh, uh-

DAWN: Mine! Some nail polish experiments are doomed before they even begin.

JOYCE: But you keep pushing the envelope, honey.

(Joyce smiles and leaves, closing the bedroom door behind her.)

DAWN: (proud) Did I just pull a Slayer-related Mom cover-up thing? Come on, who's the man?

BUFFY: You are. A very short, annoying man.

(Stung, Dawn's smile fades.)

BUFFY: If I show you something, you promise you won't tell?

(Dawn crosses her heart and Buffy lifts her shirt to reveal the bandaged stab wound. )

DAWN: Oh, cool! (off Buffy's look) I mean, gross!

BUFFY: And Mom cannot know. Okay? You'll help me with the household stuff?

DAWN: Oh, sure. I save your butt and you dump all your chores on me. (off Buffy's look) I got it. You're covered. We're good. Just lucky it's not bikini season.

(Buffy smiles and strokes Dawn's hair.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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