Angel to Fred: What happens if you run out of wall space before you get the click? from Heartthrob (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
FRED: Listen. Listen. Listen.
(Jumps at the knock on her door.)
FRED: Oh. Hi! How are you? I'm just fine. Doing real good here, no need to worry about me, but thanks for checking!
ANGEL: It's me, Fred.
FRED: Oh, Angel.
(she runs to the door and opens it)
FRED: Hi! Hey! You're... Well, hi there! It's good to... Did you have a nice... Oh, here, let me make some room!
ANGEL: I can't come in.
FRED: Of course not. You're worn from your trip. You go rest. We'll catch up later.
ANGEL: Fred, I wanna talk to you, I just can't come in unless you...
FRED: I invite you. Instead of being rude! Oh, come in. Come in.
(Angel walks in and looks at the writing covering the walls.)
FRED: It's just a smidge of vampire in you as far as I'm concerned, but the universe has rules. I'm a great believer in rules, and theorems, formulas...
ANGEL: I get that.
FRED: Aphorisms leave me a little dry.
ANGEL: How are you?
FRED: Yeah. Good. Everything's pretty much like when you, you know, went away on your trip.
ANGEL: Sorry I left so suddenly. I just...
FRED: Hey, no, you had things you had to take care of. And it's not like I need a babysitter or... You're sticking around *now*, right?
ANGEL: Yeah, I am.
FRED: Oh (lets out a short laugh) good!
ANGEL: (reading) Listen, listen, listen... What are you listening for?
FRED: The click. When it all comes together and makes sense. There's like a click in your brain and then you understand things again.
ANGEL: Oh. What happens if you run out of wall space before you get the click?
FRED: I don't know.
ANGEL: Fred, I know you spent... five years in a place where humans could only be slaves or fugitives. I know that wasn't a picnic for you. But you're home now. You're safe. You can come out of your room. I know that it's gonna take some time.
FRED: Time. I have a whole treatise on that. It seems to take a lot of it to do just about anything these days.
(Fred starts to write on the wall. Angel gets up and gently takes the marker out of her hand.)
ANGEL: Fred. Fred. You don't have to write absolutely everything down.
FRED: Oh, right. (Laughs) God, I should write *that* down.
ANGEL: You just... come on... you just need to take some small steps. Hmm? Like, uhm, coming downstairs and hanging with us for a while. What do you say? There's nothing to be scared of. You're safe here in the hotel.
( We hear Cordy scream downstairs.)
ANGEL: Hold that thought!
written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at: