Doctor: you two been doing drugs?
from Graduation Part 2 (Season 3)
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ANGEL: I need some help! She lost a lot of blood.

Nurse: What happened?

ANGEL: She needs blood.

Nurse: Try to stay calm. We're going to take care of her.

ANGEL: Something bit her. She needs a transfusion.

Doctor: You found her?

ANGEL: Yes. Doctor: Was she conscious?

ANGEL: Yes. Doctor: Are you *sure*?

ANGEL: I'm sure.

Doctor: Okay. To the nurse: I need a type, I need cross-match. Get her on two lines of Wringer's lactate, and watch for hypovolemic shock. (to Angel) Tell me: What - happened?

ANGEL: Something bit her. I don't know what.

Doctor (to nurse): Okay. I need a rabies shot treatment. (to Angel) Any allergies?

ANGEL: (clearly upset and at the end of his patience): *Just* help her.

Doctor: You two been doing drugs? (Angel just looks at him) You want her to live, you have to be straight with me.

ANGEL: She's clean.

Doctor: All right. Wait outside. Let us work.

ANGEL: A phone.

Doctor: Right out there.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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