Buffy: From beneath you, it devours from Beneath You (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
DYING GERMAN GIRL IN BUFFY's VISION: From beneath you, it devours.
BUFFY (dreaming): Ah!
DAWN: Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!
BUFFY: I heard screaming.
DAWN: That was you.
BUFFY: There was a girl.
DAWN: That would be me.
BUFFY: Uh, no. It was...
DAWN: Just a dream. It was just a dream, right?
BUFFY: From beneath you, it devours. That's what she said, and then they... There's more like her, Dawn. Out there somewhere. And they're gonna die.
written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. Action descriptions & formatting edited by me.. Full transcript at: