Evil Angel never would have worn those pants
from Eternity (Season 1)
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ANGEL: Cordelia, you're here. And you brought a cross.

CORDELIA: Along with three double half-caf, non-fat, skinny lattes.

ANGEL: And a cross.

CORDELIA: Well, judging by the outfit, I guess it's safe to come in. Evil Angel never would have worn those pants. Where's Rebecca?

ANGEL: She had a lunch to go to.

CORDELIA: Lunch? It's still noon. Shouldn't that be more of a brunch for her?

ANGEL: Well, actually she was up before dawn, working out.

CORDELIA: So she went to lunch and just left you here to rummage through her things?

ANGEL: No, I told her that I was a vampire, and that daytime patio dining was out.

CORDELIA: Did you just make a joke?

ANGEL: I really told her.

CORDELIA: Wow. So do you think she'd still set me up with her manager?

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written by: Tracey Stern; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem and me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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