we have a strict policy against you leaving
from Beer Bad (Season 4)
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(Buffy gets up to leave when a guy bumps into her.)

BUFFY: Oh, oh. I'm so sorry I just keep running into people today.

Guy #2: I can't imagine anybody minding. You're not thinking about leaving are you? Because we have a strict policy against you leaving. At least until you've had a drink.

Guy #1: Yeah, well what my friend is just saying is you shouldn't be sad and alone right now. I mean you're a very beautiful girl who should be covered with men. And, could we be those men? It's on us.

(Buffy sees Parker leaving with the girl. She smiles at the guys and takes a beer from them.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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