Spike: no more pleading for help from the Slayerettes from The "I" in Team (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
GILES: Um, thinking about your affliction and, uh, your newfound discovery that you can fight only demons; it occurs to me that (chuckling) I realize this is completely against your nature but I-I-I-- Has it occurred to you that there may be a higher purpose--
SPIKE: Ugh! You made me lose count. What are you still doing here?
GILES: Talking to myself, apparently.
SPIKE: Well piss off, then. This bit of business wraps up any I got with you and your Slayerettes. From here on I want nothing to do with the lot of you.
GILES: Your choosing to remain in Sunnydale might make that a little difficult.
SPIKE: Well you and yours will just have to show a little restraint is all. Get out. And I don't want you crawling back here knocking on my door pleading for help the second Teen Witch's magic goes all wonky or little Xander cuts a new tooth. We're through. You got it? (callously) Honeymoon is over.
(Giles leaves)
written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at: