Pavayne: Decisions. The girl... or the flesh. There's no time for both.
from Hellbound (Season 5)
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(Spike Pavayne still fighting. Pavayne has the upper hand)

PAVAYNE: Learned a few of my tricks. Means nothing, does it? I've cheated hell for hundreds of years. Fed it other dirty little souls. Left me alone, let me get stronger. Now, this realm... I am God. And you...wood for the fire.

(a wave of energy passes through the room. Pavayne is distracted, and Spike makes a break for the lab)

PAVAYNE: This won't do. This won't do at all.

(in the lab)

FRED: (reading a device) He's here. Spike, step into the circle! Hurry! We've only got one chance at making you corporeal agai—

(she starts choking, as Pavayne, unseen, grabs her throat)

PAVAYNE: Why ever would I want to do that?


GUNN: It's Pavayne!

ANGEL: He's killing her.

(Angel, Gunn, and Wesley charge toward Fred to try and help her, but Pavayne knocks them all across the room. )

PAVAYNE: Decisions. The girl... heh... or the flesh. There's no time for both.

(Spike studies the device, sees it's powering up)

PAVAYNE: (taking his pause for hesitation) There's hope for you yet, boy.

SPIKE: Not really.

(he knocks Pavane into the device's range, just is it fires. Pavane is made corporeal)

PAVAYNE: No. No! Defilers! I'll...cut you into nothing! I'll feast on your brains. I'll swim in lakes of your own blood.

ANGEL: (punches Pavayne, knocking him down) You'll shut the hell up.

SPIKE: Don't kill him. If he becomes a spirit again, we'll never stop him.

ANGEL: Fine. No killing. Just a whole lot of bruisin'.

(punches Pavayne again)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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