Buffy: Slayer: 2 points, Watcher: 0
from Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (Season 1)
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GILES: That symbol on the ring... I believe it's the rune for fidelity, but, uh, it doesn't connect with any of the sects that I've studied.

BUFFY: What about this? On the inside. It's a sun and three stars. Haven't we seen that somewhere?

GILES: Let me see. No, I-I don't think this, um, represents any...

BUFFY: (looks in a book) Wait, it's right here. Sun and three stars. Yuck, check these guys out. Told you it looked familiar.

GILES: Oh, the Order of Aurelius. Yes, you're right.

BUFFY: Ooo, two points for the Slayer, while the Watcher has yet to score!

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written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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