Angel the slot-jockey from The House Always Wins (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
GUNN: Angel. Where ya been?
ANGEL: (calm and distant, playing slots) Here. I was there before (points) and now I'm here.
LORNE: I think company's coming, kids, and I don't mean my Aunt Gert.
GUNN: Look, there's big bad going down. We gotta get Lorne outta here. Think you can slow 'em down?
GUNN: Gimme your car keys. (Angel gets keys from his pocket without taking his eyes off the slot machine) Hold 'em off as long as you can. I'll swing the car around, pick you up at the end of the block in front of the Nugget. OK?
ANGEL: OK. (puts another quarter into the slot machine as they walks off) Good luck.
(Angel stands and moves over to the next slot machine, where he sits down and continues playing.)
written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: