Buffy bumps into Riley from Beer Bad (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Buffy walks in to the bar and sees Parker talking to a girl. She walks right into Riley, spilling his drink on him.)
BUFFY: Oooh. Riley, I'm so sorry.
RILEY: That's okay you know, but most people go around. I'm not saying you can't go through me, It's just that the other is much quicker.
BUFFY: In my defense you do take up a lot of space.
RILEY: I do. I'm ungainly. You looking for someone?
BUFFY: Um, I just saw Parker over there.
RILEY: Right. Parker and his latest conquest. You know that boy should have his attention span checked.
BUFFY: He's kinda a girl chaser huh?
RILEY: Sets em up and knock's em down. I guess maybe I'm old fashioned but my father says that if you wanna be a gentleman you... (Sees that she's not listening) don't even care what my father says.
BUFFY: I'm sorry what?
RILEY: Forget about it. You know I've got some people waiting. I'll see you in class right?
(Riley leaves. Buffy sees Parker and the girl making out and goes to leave.)
written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at: