Giles: catch the 'killed innocent people' part?
from Pangs (Season 4)
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BUFFY: And the thing is, I like my evil like I like my men-- evil. You know, "straight up, black hat, "Tied to the train tracks, soon my electro-ray will destroy metropolis" bad. Not all mixed up with guilt and the destruction of an indigenous culture.

GILES: This spirit warrior-- Hus, you called him-- Has killed innocent people.

BUFFY: Ok. You know what? We need to boil those and put them through the ricer.

GILES: I don't think I have a ricer.

BUFFY: You don't have a ricer? What do you mean? How could someone not have a ricer?

GILES: Well, do you have one at home?

BUFFY: I don't know. What's a ricer?

GILES: We'll mash them with forks, much like the pilgrims must have. Did you catch the part about the innocent people?

BUFFY: Yes. Ok? And I do want to stop him. I'd just like to find a non-slayee way to do it.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original English Copyright (c) 1999 Jillian Tatterton Visit the site: Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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