Lindsey to Lilah: You really think that a few last minute dark rites and rituals are gonna make a difference now?
from Reprise (Season 2)
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LILAH: Lindsey, I've been looking everywhere for you. Where're you going?


LILAH: Lunch? You really think now's the time for lunch?

LINDSEY: You mean lunch time?

LILAH: The review is in two days.

LINDSEY: I'm aware of that.

LILAH: So is everyone else. Look at them. It's like they've had the fear of... well, 'god' would probably be the wrong word.

LINDSEY: They're just running scared.

LILAH: They should be. I dug up everything I could find on the last seventy-five year review. It's all in there. (Hands Lindsey an envelope.) Makes the Christmas purge of sixty-eight look like fun old times. Nearly half of mid-management was sacked. And Lindsey, they use actual sacks.

LINDSEY: I'll read it, Lilah.

LILAH: You better, because it's not just your ass on the line. It's mine, too. We're supposed to be running this division together, remember?


LILAH: I've included some suggestions on how we could plump up our portfolio before Friday.

LINDSEY: Look, either we pass the review, or we won't. You really think that a few last minute dark rites and rituals are gonna make a difference now?

LILAH: Everybody else seems to think so. I heard Henderson actually pulled her firstborn out of company daycare to offer it up to... Brown noser. My mother was right. I should have had children.

LINDSEY: We'll stand on our records. It's the only thing we've got.

LILAH: Then we're dead! Do I have to remind you of our collective screw-ups?! Two of which are still out there somewhere. - You haven't heard anything, have you? You would tell me if they contacted you.

LINDSEY: He set them on fire, Lilah. Even vampires as strong as Darla and Drusilla need time to recover from something like that.

LILAH: Well, it would be just like them to pop up now!

LINDSEY: I wouldn't worry.

LILAH: Someone's got to! We don't get a second shot at this, Lindsey. Nothing can happen between now and Friday to screw this up.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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