Cordelia: You are about to get your ass kicked!
from City Of (Season 1)
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ANGEL: (to security guards) How're you doing. I think we're lost. We're looking for a Roscomere. Hey, what are you watching? Is that the game? Vikings on?

(punches the guard out)

ANGEL: (to Doyle) Tie him up. I'm out in ten minutes or I'm not coming out.

(... inside ...)

ANGEL: (from shadows) Russell Winters.


ANGEL: I have a message from Tina.

RUSSELL: You made a very big mistake coming here.

CORDELIA: You don't know who he is, do you? Oh, boy! You're about to get your ass kicked!

(they fight, Angel goes down)


RUSSELL: (to goons arriving) Kill them!

(goons fire, Angel shields Cordelia, taking bullets to the chest; he hoists Cordelia and jumps over the banister)

CORDELIA: Angel! Ah!

(... outside ...)

DOYLE: (hearing gunshots) That's it. I'm gone! (drives off. Changes his mind) Come on. Damn it! (cirles back, charges the gate) Ahh! (hits it, it doesn't open) It's - a good gate.

(a little later, Angel and Cordy come out)

DOYLE: You know, I've had a bit of an accident, but we'll talk later...

(they drive off)

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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