Buffy to Dawn: No guy is worth your life -- not ever!
from Him (Season 7)
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(Buffy stops Dawn from comitting suicide on the train tracks)

BUFFY: What were you doing? I mean, what is this?

DAWN: It doesn't matter.

BUFFY: This is the plan? You're gonna steal R.J. by being trisected?!

DAWN: What am I?gonna compete with you? You're older and hotter and have sex that's rough and kill people. I don't have any of that stuff. But if I did this then his whole life he'd know there was someone that loved him so much they'd give up their life.

BUFFY: Dawn...

DAWN: And it would be true forever.

BUFFY: No guy is worth your life?- not ever!

DAWN: R.J. is. And don't say he isn't. Look what you were willing to do.

BUFFY: Dawn, I would give him to you in a second if I could. That's how much you're scaring me.

DAWN: But I?I thought you wanted him... for you.

BUFFY: Nah. Well, yeah. My God, that boy is hot. Sorry. I think I might be under a spell here.

DAWN: I hear ya.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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