Gunn: The sarcophagus was stuck in customs and it should have stayed there, but someone got it out. from Shells (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
GUNN: So that's it? England was a bust?
ANGEL: Not entirely. We found out where the sarcophagus came from. There were thousands of them.
SPIKE: Minus one.
GUNN: What about this Drogyn character? He wouldn't help?
ANGEL: Couldn't. We were too late.
LORNE: I should've seen it. Knox. He sang for me and I should've seen this.
GUNN: It's not your fault.
LORNE: If I had concentrated harder, read him better, maybe Fred—
ANGEL: Look, there's a lot we might have done, all right? Starting with never coming to Wolfram & Hart in the first place. We can beat ourselves up over it later, but right now—
LORNE: I'm sorry, Angelcakes. I, um... I got nothing. (stands) I'm sorry. (walks out)
ANGEL: (sighs) Lorne...
SPIKE: No, let him go. If he's doubting himself, he won't be any good to us.
GUNN: Lorne's right. We should have seen this coming.
ANGEL: Ah, it wouldn't have made a difference. Drogyn said the sarcophagus was preordained to be released. Nothing could have stopped it from arriving.
GUNN: That's not completely true. I played a round of piñata with lab boy while you were gone. The sarcophagus was stuck in customs and it should have stayed there, but someone got it out.
GUNN: (seems about to confess, but chickens out) I'm working on it.
WESLEY: Oh, you're working on it? Good for you, Charles. Not a moment to lose.
ANGEL: Wes... I know you're hurting, but keep your footing. I need you sharp, all of you, for Fred's sake.
WESLEY: There is no Fred anymore.
GUNN: You don't know that.
WESLEY: I watched it gut her from the inside out. Everything she was is gone. There is nothing left but a shell.
ANGEL: Then we'll figure out a way to fill it back up.
SPIKE: The thing only took over her body. Just a tip of the theological.
ANGEL: It's the soul that matters.
SPIKE: Trust us. We're kind of experts.
GUNN: What about her— If her organs have been liquefied?
SPIKE: Flash fried in a pillar of fire saving the world. I got better.
WESLEY: (to Angel) You really believe there's a chance of bringing her back?
ANGEL: Fred's soul is out there somewhere. We'll find it, and we'll put it back where it belongs. Then we'll make every son of a bitch who had a hand in this pay. We all on the same page?
GUNN: Where do we start?
ANGEL: We need the big guns.
WESLEY: Willow.
SPIKE: Won't be the first time she rattled the dead. Last time I heard she was in South America.
ANGEL: Then we'll track her down and get her here as soon as we can. In the meantime, we need to contain Illyria. Wes, you're the only one who had contact. Any idea where she's headed?
written by: Stephen S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: