Xander on how to eat twinkies from Inca Mumy Girl (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
XANDER: And this is called a snack food. (holds up a Twinkie)
Ampata: Snack food?
XANDER: Yeah. It's a delicious, spongy, golden cake stuffed with a delightful creamy, white substance of goodness. And here's how you eat it. (stuffs it whole into his mouth) Mm-hm.
Ampata: Oh, but now I cannot try it.
XANDER: (with a full mouth) That's why you bring two.
Ampata: Oh! Here goes!
XANDER: (mouth still full) Good, huh? And the exciting part is that they have no ingredients that a human can pronounce. So it doesn't leave you with that heavy... food feeling in your stomach.
Ampata: (mouth full) You are strange.
XANDER: Girls always tell me that. Right before they run away.
Ampata: I like it!
XANDER: I like you like it! Please, don't learn from my English.
written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; . Full transcript at: