Spike: knitting cunning sweater sets from Out of My Mind (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Better keep out of my way, Spike. I'm not gonna take this much longer.
SPIKE: And I should do what in my spare time? Sit at home knitting cunning sweater sets?
BUFFY: Would it keep you out of my way?
RILEY: She's right. You shouldn't be out here when she's patrolling.
(Buffy turns to Riley in exasperation as if she's going to say something, but she doesn't.)
SPIKE: Oh! I saw that. Looks like neither boy's entirely welcome. You should take him home, Slayer. Make him stay there. I've got knitting needles he can borrow.
BUFFY: Spike ... I just saw you taste your own nose blood, you know what? I'm too grossed out to hear anything you have to say. Go home.
(She stalks off. Riley gives Spike a dirty look, then follows. Spike looks injured.)
SPIKE: (yelling after them) It's blood! It's what I do!
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at: