Buffy & Riley: we'll tell Giles first thing tomorrow morning from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Riley stakes the vamp, Buffy stabs the demon)
BUFFY: Whoo! Vampire-demon tag team. Who says we can't all get along?
RILEY: Don't recall ever seeing that before.
(he steps close to her.)
BUFFY: It never happened. (Touching his face) Vamps ... hate demons... (Riley strokes her hair) Like stripes and polka dots. (Running her hands down his arms) Major ... clashing. (She and Riley caressing each other) So, uh ... I guess we should tell Giles about this.
RILEY: Right.
BUFFY: I mean, it's the kind of thing he'd ... wanna know about.
RILEY: Uh-huh.
BUFFY: Like, as soon as possible.
RILEY: As soon as possible.
(Cut to Riley's bedroom)
BUFFY: I mean it now. First thing... (smooch) In the morning... (smooch) We go tell Giles. (Riley's carrying her across the room.)
RILEY: First thing. Good plan.
(They fall onto the bed. Opening Credits. )
(Resume, later. Buffy & Riley are asleep. Riley wakes up, goes to the bathroom, here's something suspicious. But it's only a leaky faucete.)
written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at: