Harmony: can't even pick flowers
from Out of My Mind (Season 5)
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HARMONY: I read in a magazine that some women think a man's real sex organ is his brain.

(She leans next to the doctor and looks at where his hands are.)

HARMONY: Yecch! No contest. I mean, look at it. It's so ... pink and wriggly-looking. (grins suddenly; to the doctor) Can I touch it?

(Spike's eyes pop open. )


HARMONY: Oh my god, you're awake?

OVERHEISER: Local anesthetic.

HARMONY: Wow, Spikey, how does it feel?

SPIKE: Like someone's cutting into my brain with a knife, you silly bint.

HARMONY: (to doctor) You know what it means that he can't hurt any living thing? It means he can't even pick flowers.

SPIKE: What? Yes I can!

OVERHEISER: (softly) Please be quiet.

(Everyone is quiet for a moment. Then Harmony points at Spike's brain again.)

HARMONY: Is it supposed to do that?

OVERHEISER: Please. For god's sake, please, be quiet.

HARMONY: Listen, buster. I don't see a crossbow in *your* hands, okay?

SPIKE: Harmony, if your incessant prattling bolloxes up this operation, I'm gonna personally yank out your pink and wriggly tongue.

(Overheiser looks at Harmony.)

HARMONY: What are you looking at?

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 41

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