Deevak: Survival of the fittest, bro, and right now you're not looking too fit.
from First Impressions (Season 2)
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(A garage. Angel's car.)

CORDELIA: There is a God! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

GUNN: Great. You drive it out of here I follow you home.

CORDELIA: Just as soon as I find the keys.

GUNN: You don't have the keys?

CORDELIA: Well, I-I kind of left them in the car when I went in to save you. I thought you were in danger. Every second counted.

GUNN: You know, I got to tell you, you are one high-maintenance chick.

CORDELIA: The keys are here. (looking through car) Somewhere.

GUNN: You are killing me!

CORDELIA: Can't you - you know - hot wire it?

GUNN: Just 'cause I know some car thieves don't mean I am one.

CORDELIA: Hey instead of being high-moral-ground boy, why don't you help me find them?

DEEVAK: (rattling keys) Looking for these?

GUNN: (to Cordelia) Go.

CORDELIA: Not a chance.


CORDELIA: I'm not leaving you!

DEEVAK: How touching. A woman willing to die with her man.

CORDELIA: Oh, no. He's not my man. He-he's just a friend. And, about the 'willing to die' part...

GUNN: You must be Deevak. They told me you was ugly but - damn.

DEEVAK: And you're the big bad Gunn. Heard you were looking for me.

(Deevak grabs Gunn by the throat, lifts him up.)


DEEVAK: You found me.

(Cordelia pulls out her axe, hits Deevak, he catches her wrist.)

DEEVAK: How does it feel to finally meet up with someone even nastier than you? Oh, not good by the sound of it.

CORDELIA: Stop it! You're killing him!

(Deevak morphs into Jameel.)

DEEVAK/JAMEEL: Survival of the fittest, bro, and right now you're not looking too fit.

(Cordelia maces Deevak/Jameel's eyes. He releases them.)


(Jameel morphs back into Deevak.)

CORDELIA: Oh my God.

(Angel and Wesley arrive. Huge fight.)

ANGEL: Cordy, axe!

(Our heroes win. Vamps and Deevak lose - terminally.)

(Cut to later.)

ANGEL: Cheers.

WESLEY: Angel! Angel look. I found your keys. Unfortunately this substance doesn't appear to be coming off.

ANGEL: What's that?

WESLEY: Demon blood, or demon puss, or possibly both.

(Tries to get Angel to take the keys.)

ANGEL: Cheers, easy. Anyone know how to hot wire a car?

GUNN: Hey.


GUNN: Well, you finally saved my life. I guess I should say thanks.

CORDELIA: Yes, you should, and no - I didn't.

GUNN: What?

CORDELIA: Deevak wasn't the danger my vision was warning me about.

GUNN: He wasn't?


GUNN: Then what was?

CORDELIA: I'm looking at it. It's you, Charles. You're the danger.

GUNN: Excuse me?

CORDELIA: It's how you life your life. You don't just face danger, you create it. You're on a self destruct mission - unless you get some help.

GUNN: I ain't buying none of this Dionne Warwick crap.

CORDELIA: You know it's true. You need some serious saving. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me.

GUNN: Oh, is that right?

CORDELIA: Well, yeah. Better just plan on having me in your life for a while. At least until you find some peace.

GUNN: Could be a while.

CORDELIA: That's okay. Helping people, that's what me and my friends do.

GUNN: Well, lucky me.

CORDELIA: Hey. How about that thank you?

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written by: Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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