Buffy: Cor & I spent some quality death time together
from Homecoming (Season 3)
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BUFFY: That should teach him to mistake you for a Slayer.

GILES: Yes, I must admit I do feel partly responsible. I did give your friends tacit approval to make the switch in the limousine.

BUFFY: Aw, it's okay. It gave Cor and I a chance to spend some quality death time.

CORDELIA: And we got these free corsages.

GILES: Oh, that's nice. Although I don't recall them mentioning corsages.

BUFFY: Jungle Bob... said that the Germans were hooked into a computer system. And they're hooked into us.

CORDELIA: Oh, God, get rid of these things!

BUFFY: (to Giles) I need some wet toilet paper.

CORDELIA: (sarcastically) Yeah! That'll help.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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