Giles: with scores like these Buffy... from Lover's Walk (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
GILES: Buffy, this is, this is remarkable.
BUFFY: So is this. (examining Giles' gear) Where is this retreat thingy, the Yukon?
GILES: It's quite nearby, actually. It's, um, it's the clearing at the top of Breaker's Woods. It's the site of some fascinating druidic rituals.
BUFFY: Okay, but you're just going for a few days, right? I mean, you're not gonna settle there and grow crops or anything.
GILES: (confused) What? Oh, my gear. No, no, this is, this is basic necessities.
BUFFY: Giles, you pack like me.
GILES: Here. I suspect your mother will want to, uh, put it on the refrigerator.
BUFFY: Yeah. She saw these scores, and her head spun around and exploded.
GILES: I-I've been on the Hellmouth too long. That was metaphorical, yes?
BUFFY: Yes. She was happy. She started with all this crazy talk about me going to college, maybe someplace else. I know. I know, I said that you were gonna have a goat. Responsibilities and all. I know the drill.
GILES: She may be right.
BUFFY: Yeah, I know, I figured you'd...Okay. Be kind, rewind.
GILES: With scores like these, Buffy, you could have a first-rate education. I'm, I'm not suggesting that you... ignore your calling, but, um... you need to look to your future. And with Faith here, i-i-it may be that you can move on. For a-a time, at least.
GILES: Well, let's, um, let's discuss it when I get back.
written by: Dan Vebber; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: