Dawn: I don't leave crossbows around. Not since Miss Kitty Fantastico...
from End of Days (Season 7)
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DAWN: Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don?t leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.

XANDER: Hey, did you know I have to take a driving test every year now?

DAWN: Because you?re old?

XANDER: No, because of my eye. It?s a whole state law. They don?t trust my depth perception anymore.

DAWN: That sucks.

XANDER: And you know what?s even worse? All the stupid ?it?s all fun and games until someone loses an eye? jokes. ?Hey, Xander, so no more fun and games, huh??

DAWN: Giles was just having fun with you.

XANDER: That?s not the point. It?s an obvious joke. It would be like someone calling me a cyclops.

(Dawn looks up at him and laughs) DAWN: (off his look) Okay, so not that funny.

XANDER: I mean, give me some ?eye of the beholder? jokes, you know? Or some ?eye for an eye? jokes or maybe even a post-modern I, Claudius joke. It?s about standards, Dawnie.

DAWN: I know.

XANDER: Just be creative.

DAWN: Look, everyone?s still kind of on guard around you but before you know it?

(Xander suddenly grabs her, chloroforms her and drives away with her.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson; original transcript by Buffy vs Angel. Edited by me.. Full transcript at:
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