Angel to Cordy: Will you, just once, do what I tell you without arguing about everything, okay?
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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ANGEL: (via phone) Yeah, do that. I'll cover this end.

CORDELIA: What's up?

ANGEL: He's alive. Wes and Gunn are gonna track him down.

CORDELIA: What if they can't?

ANGEL: Doesn't really matter. 'cause I know where he'll be headed.

CORDELIA: Here. For you.

ANGEL: I want you to go home while it's still light out and stay there.




ANGEL: Where's my hurling ax? This is all different!

CORDELIA: I moved some things to the cellar while you where gone. They were dust catchers!

ANGEL: Go home.

CORDELIA: I'm sticking with you!

ANGEL: I appreciate your courage, but I don't wanna see you get hurt.

CORDELIA: Well, I don't either! I go home, he'll come after me because I'm home alone. That's what they do, they come after you when you're alone. Oh, sure, Cordy, go home! Be a hostage with the torture and the fear and the tort...

ANGEL: Cordy! Will you, just once, do what I tell you without arguing about everything, okay? Hurling ax. Basement?

(Angel walks towards the basement doors with Cordy hurrying after him.)

CORDELIA: I'm not arguing! I just know I'd be a lot safer by your side rather than all alone at home.

(Angel opens the basement door. James is there; he throws Angel back)

JAMES: Why'd you do it?


JAMES: Because I had something you could never have?

ANGEL: (to Cordy) Get back!

(more fighting)

FRED: Angel? I thought I heard company. I came out of my room. Small steps like you said.

ANGEL: (to Fred) Go back to your room and stay there!

FRED: Okay then.

(more fighting)


(Cordy hits James with a fire extinguisher)

ANGEL: I told you to...

CORDELIA: (tossing him a stake) Shut up and stake him!

(James intercepts the stake and attacks Angel with it.)


JAMES: You never loved anyone or anything. Go to hell.

(Cordy jumps in, distracting James. Angel manages to stake James, and runs over to Cordelia)

ANGEL: It's alright. It's alright. It's over.

(Cordy looks over and sees that James, instead of dusting, is pulling the stake from his chest.)

CORDELIA: Ah, over in what sense?


(more fighting, Angel throws James out into the light)

CORDELIA: Ah, shouldn't he be on fire?

ANGEL: Let's get out of here.

(they flee to the sewers)

CORDELIA: My coat. It's stuck.

ANGEL: Leave it.

(they come to a fork in the tunnels)

ANGEL: Go that way.

CORDELIA: Where are you gonna go?


(Angel slices his hand and splashes some of his hand some ways down the other tunnel then hurries after Cordy. Opens a door in the side of the tunnel.)

ANGEL: Cordy! This way. Hurry up!

(James comes running up to the fork and sniffs the air, then runs down the tunnel Angel sprayed with his blood.)

CORDELIA: Alright, I've been doing this for a while. Don't stakes through the heart and sunshine kill you guys?

ANGEL: Sh! He seems to have become...

CORDELIA: ...invincible?

ANGEL: Let's not exaggerate.

CORDELIA: The ring of Amara, when you had that you were invincible. Does he have a ring?


CORDELIA: Hmm. Did the Amara people make cufflinks or belt buckles?

ANGEL: There was only one.

CORDELIA: And you had to smash it!

ANGEL: Why don't we recriminate later, okay?


ANGEL: Now be quiet. I think he took the bait.

(A deep rumbling sounds and the tunnel begins to shake.)

CORDELIA: (clinging to Angel) Earthquake!

ANGEL: Subway!

CORDELIA: Okay, just subway.

(Both of the jump and Cordy lets out a small scream as her cell phone suddenly rings.)

ANGEL: Jeez!

CORDELIA: Sorry, sorry, cell phone.

WESLEY: (via phone) Cordelia, is that you? Can you hear me?

CORDELIA: Huh? What? Say that again?

WESLEY: There is something you have to know about James.

CORDELIA: Oh. He's invincible, is he? He went to a what? Slog demon? What's that? (to Angel) some kind of doctor demon that collects rare organs. (To phone) Cut out his heart? (To Angel) Absolutely can not be killed. (To phone) Wait. What? How long? Six what? What? Hello? No signal. Okay. The guy's invincible, but it only lasts for so long then he dies.

ANGEL: How long?

CORDELIA: He said... I don't know. Six minutes, hours, weeks. (RE: phone) I hate these. Come on, give me a signal!

ANGEL: That's good news. So all we have to do is, is wait him out.

CORDELIA: Right. So we just wait here until we're sure.

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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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