Walsh: welcome to the team from The "I" in Team (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
WALSH: We have a few more things to give you.
BUFFY: (pointing) What's in there?
(Quick shot of the metal security door we saw in the last episode. A lab coat scientist uses a ID card to open the door and disappears inside.)
WALSH: Research area. Very restricted for security reasons. Here is your security card and your pager.
BUFFY: (re: pager) Been thinking about getting one of these.
WALSH: We're the only ones with the number and it stays that way.
BUFFY: Right.
WALSH: Lose either one of them and there's hell to pay and down here we mean that literally.
(Walsh offers her hand and she actually smiles as she shakes Buffy's)
WALSH: Again, welcome to the team.
written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at: