Harmony: I am an evil fighter! That's why I suck at being evil. I was meant to fight evil! from Disharmony (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
WESLEY: Cordy. I realize you have, ah, other concerns at the moment, but we need you.
GUNN: Most of the attacks been taking place within a ten blocks radius. Now we figure the cult's headquarters must be somewhere near the center.
ANGEL: And look, we want to drive around the area. Maybe you can pick up some - vibe from you vision or see something?
CORDELIA: Like a red bird.
ANGEL: For instance.
CORDELIA: Okay. Harmony. I have to go. Work stuff. Uh, you're okay here?
HARMONY: You kidding? Free blood, potato skins. Hey, I'm thinking about doing another number. Now what do you think: Candle in the Wind or the Princess Diana Candle in the Wind?
CORDELIA: Go nuts. Do 'em both.
HARMONY: Ooo. Yeah. Okay. Like the green guy said: you’re my guide.
GUNN: Hey, hold up. Just so we're on the same page. When we find this vampire cult, we are gonna kill 'em, right?
WESLEY: Let's do it.
Cut to the gang walking, shoulder to shoulder, down the sidewalk outside of Caritas. The camera pans across from a serious and focused Wesley, to Gunn, to Angel, to Cordelia and on to - a grinning Harmony. Cordy does a double take when she suddenly notices Harmony walking beside her.
(Wesley, Gunn, Angel, Cordelia Power Walk... suddenly, Harmony joins the line-up)
CORDELIA: Harmony?
HARMONY: I just got it. He said, stick with you. I understand now where my place is.
(Harmony steps between Cordy and Angel and puts an arm around each of their shoulders, smiling.)
HARMONY: With you! I'm one of the good guys now.
(later, in Angel's car)
HARMONY: Who-hoo! This is gonna be great! I am an evil fighter! That's why I suck at being evil. I was meant to fight evil! It's so clear to me now. (to Cordy) Is this what it feels like to have a purpose? I mean, wow! Look at us. We're working together. I've never had a job before. We can meet at the water cooler and gossip.
CORDELIA: Harm, I'm trying to concentrate.
HARMONY: Oh. Sorry. (Turns to Gunn) So. How long have you been fighting evil? I mean, I just started but, you know, I've got some moves.
WESLEY: Angel!
ANGEL: It's your place to tell her.
WESLEY: She won't listen to me.
ANGEL: Welcome to *my* world.
HARMONY: That would be *so* funny. Oh - do we get paid vacations?
CORDELIA: Stop! Stop the car. Pull over here.
(Angel pulls the car over and they all squint up at a sculpted phoenix decoration above a theater marquee with the words 'closed for repairs' on it. )
ANGEL: Is that..?
CORDELIA: I don't... I'm not sure.
WESLEY: The bird you saw was red.
CORDELIA: It is. I mean, it was.
GUNN: Looks more like a puke green.
HARMONY: And nothing like a duck.
CORDELIA: There's just - something familiar.
GUNN: Well, we passed this place before. Maybe that's all it is.
WESLEY: Cordelia?
CORDELIA: No. No, I guess it isn't it.
WESLEY: Right. Back in the car. We'll keep... (Looks around) Where's Angel?
(Suddenly a red neon arrow sign comes to life, throwing a red glow over the bird.)
ANGEL: Electronics store forgot to turn on its lights.
CORDELIA: Ha, I told you this was it!
WESLEY: Right. Angel, Cordelia, cover the front. Gunn and I will go around the building, see if there's another way in.
HARMONY: What about me? What's my job?
WESLEY: Uhm... Guard the car.
HARMONY: You got it, boss! Anyone comes near this car, I will rip his throat out.
WESLEY: No. No killing.
HARMONY: Oh. Okay, maiming only.
WESLEY and CORDELIA together: No!
GUNN: Hey. Can we yell a little louder? I'm not sure the crazed cult of vampires heard us sneaking up on them.
CORDELIA: Just go. I'll talk to her.
written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: