Angel: Let's take out some puppets.
from Smile Time (Season 5)
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(Angel is trying to sew up the rips Nina made on him. Tough going with puppet fingers.)

ANGEL PUPPET: Stupid fingers. Stupid string!

(Wesley and Fred walk into Angel's office.)

WESLEY: It's all in the broadcast— Some very nuanced magic, but we found it, finally.

FRED: (notices claw marks across Angel's face) Angel...what happened?

ANGEL PUPPET: Uh...nothing. It's not important. D-doesn't matter. Go on.

FRED: It's a hidden carrier wave masked by a spell that turns the TV into a 2-way conduit with direct access to the viewer.

WESLEY: That's how he's been draining energy from the children, and judging from the strength of yesterday's signal...

FRED: Framkin's ready to take out the whole audience.

WESLEY: The object you described in that secret room is most likely a repository for the children's life force. We'll have to break the binding magic on it.

FRED: Which should free those children and... reverse your puppet problem.

(Angel gasps and rushes to hug Fred with overenthusiastic gratitude)

ANGEL PUPPET: I love you guys.

FRED: Oh... we'd better get moving. Framkin knows we're onto him. If he's ready to zap his whole audience, he'll pull the trigger today for sure.

GUNN: (walks into the office confidently) Not him. Them.


GUNN: Framkin's not doing this. It's the puppets. They're demons. The show is possessed. Smile Time's ratings hit an all-time low last year. Framkin made a deal with some devils to bring it back to number one.

WESLEY: You sure of that?

GUNN: Dead sure. Every contract signed with the lower planes is filed in the Library of Demonic Congress. You just gotta know where to look. Pretty tricky legalese, too. Framkin must have missed some of the fine print.

ANGEL PUPPET: Which allowed them to take over everything.

GUNN: Including Framkin. These particular devils have a fairly distinctive M.O.

FRED: They've done this before?

GUNN: You see the last few seasons of Happy Days? Point is... you wanna take out Smile Time, take out the puppets.

ANGEL PUPPET: Well, then...

(takes a sword off the wall, removes it from its scabbard)

ANGEL PUPPET: Let's take out some puppets.

(Fred opens the double-doors leading from Angel's office to the lobby. Gunn and Wesley flank her as they walk out toward their mission. Pan down to show puppet Angel is leading the way, carrying his sword behind his head, parallel to his shoulders. )

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written by: Joss Whedon & Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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