Vampire Inspiration Speeches from War Zone (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
KNOX: Street trash - that's what they are. Just stupid, human street trash. For 70 years we ruled this neighborhood. It was our neighborhood. Used to be decent people lived here, working people. And now? You can't even finish one without wanting to puke! And whose fault is it? Hmm? Theirs? I don't think so. It's *our* fault. We let this happen. We got lazy. We dropped our guard. Ty, you ever been lured into an ambush before? Of course not. Ty has been around for almost as long as me. He's survived, like me, because he's smart. But they did this to him - and that means that they could do it to any one of us. And why? Because this street trash ain't afraid to go for the heart. (stakes Ty) And now that's what we're gonna do. No more picking them off one by one. We concentrate on the heart. Take the heart and the rest will fall.
written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: