Anya lectures on Ubervamps from Empty Places (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
ANDREW: (writing) "UBERVAMP."
ANYA: And so we know that a battle is coming. Ubervamps galore. We also know that the Ubervamps are hard to kill...
ANDREW: (writing) ""
ANYA: But I have been out talking to some of my old contacts, and they've provided some surprising bits of news. Yay for them! Uh...OK. For example, Ubervamps can be staked... right through the heart. Zing?poof. (Andrew writes "steak" then crosses it out and writes "stake" beside it) Just like regular vamps. Um...we didn't know this. Of course, these guys have incredibly strong sternums, so it's a lot like driving a wooden stake through solid steel. But you guys are all super-strong, right?
ANYA: Right. OK. Um... but still, heart information, still good to know since holy water seems to run off these guys like they've been scotch-guarded. And, well, sunlight would work, but guess what? they're not coming out during the daytime. Uh, also, beware of their, uh, teeth and the claws they use to shred flesh.
ANDREW: (writes) "teeth, claws"
RONA: OK, you know what? I used to be really afraid of these Ubervamp guys. But then the scary preacher blew into town, and now I'm mostly terrified of him.
ANYA: Right, well, um... we're working on getting info on that guy.
AMANDA: Why bother? Nothing works. Nothing will.
ANYA: OK... I know you're all upset... and I, myself, would much rather be sitting at the bedside of my one-eyed ex-fiance than killing time here with you people in this over-crowded and might I add increasingly ripe-smelling basement. And I would be, too, if not for a certain awkward discussion he and I recently had right over there on that cot immediately following some exciting and unexpected breakup sex. (girls, squicked, move off the cot; Andrew writes "breakup sex") But...I need to give him some space... so I'm doing what I can do, contributing any way I can... and so will all of you. You still need to know this information. We can't stop just because something else is trying to kill you, too.
written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at: